In this lesson we going to know a little about me.
Hi, my name´s José Morales but everybody calls me manu. I´m from Maracaibo originally. I´m 17 years old and I study accounting at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in Sabaneta.
I love playing soccer, music, playing PC, sleep, pizza,chocolate,hamburger, my family.
I hate vegetables, smoking, listening rock, violence.
My dream is travel around the word, I want to graduate from accounting and get married and start a family.
My opinion about english I listening music in english and wacth Tv in english.
Hi, my name´s José Morales but everybody calls me manu. I´m from Maracaibo originally. I´m 17 years old and I study accounting at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in Sabaneta.
I love playing soccer, music, playing PC, sleep, pizza,chocolate,hamburger, my family.
I hate vegetables, smoking, listening rock, violence.
My dream is travel around the word, I want to graduate from accounting and get married and start a family.
My opinion about english I listening music in english and wacth Tv in english.
and you? do you want to introduce yourself??
1 comentario:
you dream is very interesting, whay you want travel around the world???
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